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WOW! Words of Wisdom Workshops


Expressing thoughts in writing and discussing or gaining insights collectively (only "if" you wish:-) can be beneficial mentally and physically.  For individuals interested in managing a major life or career transition, finding greater personal or career fulfillment, consider one of these workshops:

Turn Down the Noise: Let's Pause and Listen 

Managing Professional or Personal Transitions Through Journaling 

Keeping a Gratitude Journal 



"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, but 

must be felt with the heart."

                                                                               ~ Author Helen Keller


TURN DOWN THE NOISE: Let's Pause and Listen


Let's realize the benefits of unplugging from our devices and keyboards. Expressive writing or journaling can be calming and bring clarity. Discussion will focus on journaling strategies, dealing with life/career transitions and managing the reactionary culture we live in day to day. Let's quiet the chatter and process personal and professional desires. 



Let's review the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal and discuss strategies. There is plenty of research that documents how this simple, yet powerful tool, improves one's outlook on life, helps with self-esteem, allows for better sleep, enhances empathy and reduces aggression.  





   Journaling sessions for 3-6 people who want structure and community for their expressive writing and creativity practice. These facilitated sessions provide an opportunity for sharing insights gained through a journal practice with kindred spirits.  




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